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Our Homes

Each provision provides:

  • Opportunities for each Young Person to learn to grow and make informed choices about their future, whilst offering an environment in which they can take time to repair the traumatic experiences in their lives.

  • A physically and emotionally supportive residential environment home. Respect and dignity for everyone regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, cultural background, or ability.

  • Individual plans for each young person, which will both aid the reparative process and will offer them the change to maximise their future life choices.

  • A spacious living environment where young people can socialise but also switch off within the privacy of their own bedroom. 

  • A framework of support in which the young person can be brought to confront the meaning and significance of their behaviour, thereby opening up the possibility of change.

  • Preparation for young people so they can eventually transition into wider community.

  • An open and honest environment for all young people and staff. To protect each young person and keep them free from harm, abuse, exploitation, injustice and discrimination.

  • To respect the individual identities of each young person ensuring their views are sought and acted upon, where access to information is provided freely and their interests are protected. The wishes and feeling of the young people are of paramount importance.

Happy Circle

A service dedicated to nurturing and safeguarding children

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